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Return of Pedro Marca Activity of Flamengo at Grêmio CT #shorts


Return of Pedro Marca Activity of Flamengo at Grêmio CT #shorts

Rubro Negra Saudaçes

Pedro Marca Atividade do Flamengo no CT do Grêmio resurfaces #shorts


Atacante, who had recovered from a joelho injury, took part in the activity with the rest of the group on Sunday, November 21.

Flamengo made a remarkable comeback in the last minutes of the Copa Libertadores final against Palmeiras.

Pedro, the attacking midfielder, trained with the team for the first time after suffering a joelho injury and undergoing an artroscopia in the region on Sunday, November 21.

O atacante trabalhou com a bola in uma atividade realizada ao lado do elenco do Rubro-Negro, que saiu para Porto Alegre.

Aside from De Arrascaeta, the attacker Bruno Henrique was also in action.

The team was divided into three periods under the direction of Renato Gacho, and they completed a training session on a smaller field.

Flamengo performs a “escala” in Brazil prior to their Libertadores match.

In a game played in the second round of the national competition, the team joins forces with the Grêmio.

As a result, we have arrived at the end of another news item from our mengo, ai naço rubro negra.

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And till the next video.

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Return of Pedro Marca Activity of Flamengo at Grêmio CT #shorts


🔴 Video hashtags:
#updated hires2021


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